علاء الزهيري الأول من اليسار في جلسة ضمّت أعضاء من فريق ناسكو- ري
علاء الزهيري الذي شارك بمؤتمر دبي الدولي الثامن بصفتَيْه رئيساً للإتحاد المصري لشركات التأمين ومديراً تنفيذياً لشركة GIG-مصر، علّق على هذا المؤتمر بالقول: “كان فريداً بتنوّعه” ولأسباب عديدة، منها نوعية المشاركين وتنوّع المواضيع التي عولجَت ومنها التحدّيات والمخاطر السيبرانية ومستقبل التكافل وغير ذلك. ولم ينسَ الزهيري أن يُضيء على حدث مرتقب بعد أيام (21 إلى 23 الجاري) حول مؤتمر ” التأمين المتناهي الصغر” وحول مؤتمر شرم الشيخ في دورته الرابعة في تشرين الأول المقبل.
فيما يلي التصريح الذي خصّ به مجلة وموقع “تأمين ومصارف”..
This year the DWIC was a very important and new version following a period of time that most of the companies’s representatives were unable to travel abroad to attend such gathering
The delegates attended as well as the different events accompanied the conference have witnessed a challenge and assurance from all parties that our industry is capable to achieve its goals and move forward towards a stable and solid market
The subjects discussed during the conference has shed lights on very hot subjects such as Takfoul future and challenges as well Cyber reinsurance markets and so on .Such subjects were very important b to be tackled specially when companies and markets have lived through difficult covid times . If we add to this the one to one meeting and the networking discussions preparing for April and June renewals between the insurnace companies and their Reinsurance brokers as well the Reinsurance leaders that all have given the fifth version of he DWIC a different flavour of doing business
I believe the take away from the DWIC this year was absolutely unique
We have two delegates from GIG Egypt attended the DWIC including myself and we have focused on our new initiatives on the micro insurance products , extended warranty , full programs for the infrastructure projects in Egypt as well as our efforts to keep our high end rating from both AM Best and Moody’s.We have also shared with the markets that we met the move that we had to our newly owned building in New Cairo which is considered ti be state of the art building that match also our directions towards achieving the sustainability goals
On my capacity as the Chairman of the Insurance Federation in Egypt I have also shared the time assigned for the fourth Sharm Rendezvous which will be held during the period from October 2nd to October 5th 2022